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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Olivier De Schutter, the UN special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, warned that Colombia’s economic segregation is obstructing peace efforts following a 10-day visit to Colombia. Despite progress in Colombia’s peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels...
Colombia's government has ended a ceasefire with some factions of the EMC rebels, led by commander Ivan Mordisco, who reject peace talks, the defense ministry said on July 16. The Estado Mayor Central (EMC) was formed by dissident former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) fighters who...
Banana giant Chiquita Brands must pay $38.3 million to 16 family members of people killed during Colombia’s long civil war by a violent right-wing paramilitary group funded by the company, a federal jury in Florida decided. The verdict on June 10 by a jury in West Palm Beach marks the first time the...
Colombia's government and the Segunda Marquetalia armed group said in a joint document they will begin peace talks on June 24 in Caracas, Venezuela. Segunda Marquetalia is a dissident faction of the now-demobilized Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Its leaders initially agreed to a 2016...
Colombia’s ex-president Álvaro Uribe will face trial for witness tampering and fraud, prosecutors have announced, once again casting the spotlight on allegations that the former leader partnered with paramilitary death squads in his war against leftist rebels. Uribe has long been accused of...
Applauding Colombia’s firm commitment to the 2016 historic peace accords, Security Council members on February 22 took measure of the demands of building peace and ensuring transitional justice in that country as observed during their recent visit. The council visiting mission was in Colombia from...
Peace talks between Colombia's government and the largest FARC dissident group managed to get the rebels to suspend kidnappings, free 10 hostages, and reduce clashes with the country's military in under three months, a government negotiator said on Friday. The government of leftist President Gustavo...
The head of Colombia’s largest remaining rebel group said on Monday it would only abide by a recent agreement to suspend the kidnappings of civilians for ransom if the government keeps its promise to finance projects that could provide the rebels with alternate sources of income. In a column...
Colombia's Central General Command (EMC) rebel group has announced it will stop kidnapping people for ransom. The EMC is the largest offshoot of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and is made up of rebels who refused to lay down their arms when the FARC signed a peace deal in 2016...
Colombia's government and the country's largest group of dissident former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels on Sunday suspended offensive actions and celebrated the start of a peace process meant to end the group's role in almost six decades of internal conflict, the rebel group...