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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The International Criminal Court prosecutor’s office announced Monday it is halting its long-running investigation into deadly violence that broke out in Kenya after the African nation’s 2007 presidential election. The decision was announced at a time when the prosecutor’s office is appealing for...
Concerns over Kenya’s human rights record have cast a shadow over a UN decision that gave Kenya the go ahead to lead an armed multinational force to Haiti amid brutal gang violence in the Caribbean country. For a year, the multinational force, comprising 1,000 Kenya police personnel, is expected to...
President Ruto said Sunday during an interdenominational prayer service at Kericho Green Stadium in Kericho County, that his administration is committed to enhancing security in the country for the sake of the safety of citizens who have historically suffered in the hands of rogue killer security...
Kenya's Supreme Court has ruled that William Ruto was properly elected president, dismissing all eight petitions seeking to annul the result of the August 9 election. The ruling ends a protracted election dispute that started after polls closed last month, leading to widespread uncertainty across...
William Ruto was declared the winner of Kenya’'s close-fought presidential poll on a day of high drama Monday, with violent protests in his defeated rival’'s strongholds, claims of rigging, and a split in the commission that oversaw the vote. As tensions ran high after his narrow victory in the...
Millions of Kenyans have been voting in an election that pits the longtime opposition politician Raila Odinga against the deputy president, William Ruto. Kenya is facing a cost-of-living crisis, fueled by the pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine, which has cut global food supply chains and affected...
It was August 9, 2017. Two youths, aged 24 and 22, were returning from work to their home in Mathare, one of Nairobi’s largest slums. Victor worked in construction and Bernard as a tailor. A massive protest had erupted at the time, against alleged fraud in Kenya’s general elections and had made its...
An estimated 13 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing severe hunger, the United Nations’ World Food Program (WFP) has said. Drought conditions have affected pastoral and farmer populations across southern and southeastern Ethiopia, southeastern and northern Kenya and south-central Somalia...