Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The King of Jordan approved a cybercrime bill that will crack down on online speech deemed harmful to national unity, a bill opposition lawmakers and human rights groups have warned against. King Abdullah II gave his approval on Saturday with the bill now slated as law and set to take effect one...
A report submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Secretary General has called for Iran to halt surging executions and rollback mandatory veiling. It was among a long list of recommendations in a report submitted last month pursuant to General Assembly resolution 77/228, in...
According to numbers collected by the United Nations in 2021, over a decade of civil war means that around 28 percent of the Syrian population—aged over 2—now suffers from a disability of some kind. The numbers are even higher in parts of northern Syria. The UN says that around 37 percent of the...
An alleged former member of a Syrian pro-government militia has been arrested in Germany on suspicion of crimes against humanity related to the abuse and torture of civilians in the early years of his country’s civil war, prosecutors said Thursday. The man, identified only as Ahmad H. in line with...
The United Kingdom has acknowledged that the ISIL (ISIS) group committed “acts of genocide” against the Yazidi people in 2014. Marking the ninth anniversary of atrocities committed by ISIL against the Yazidi community, the UK’s decision on Tuesday follows a ruling by the German Federal Court of...
Egypt on Thursday released two human rights defenders, including one who has ties with Italy, their lawyers said, concluding two cases that drew significant international criticism and attention. The releases of Patrick George Zaki, an activist and postgraduate student in Italy, and Mohamed el-Baker...
A UN-backed human rights advocate says hundreds of boys—some as young as 11—held in detention camps run by US-backed, Kurdish-led forces in northeastern Syria have been wrongly separated from their mothers on the “unproven” belief that they pose a security risk. Fionnuala Ni Aolain, an independent...
Tunisian security forces have committed "serious abuses" against black African migrants, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Wednesday, calling on the European Union to suspend migration control funding to the country. The New York-based watchdog said it had interviewed, since March, more than 20...
Iran has relaunched patrols by the so-called morality police as authorities escalate their efforts to enforce the country’s mandatory hijab rules. Saeid Montazeralmahdi, the spokesperson for the Iranian law enforcement force, confirmed on Sunday that police patrols were now operational on foot and...
Libyan border guards have rescued dozens of migrants they said had been left in the desert by Tunisian authorities without water, food, or shelter. Hundreds of people from sub-Saharan African countries were forcibly taken to desert and hostile areas bordering Libya and Algeria after racial unrest in...