Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The Colombian government and the South American country’s largest remaining guerrilla group resumed peace talks Monday, breaking a roughly four-year hiatus where the rebels expanded their territory. The delegates in a joint declaration stated they had gathered to restart political dialogue “with...
In a resolution passed after a meeting in Washington, DC, on Thursday afternoon, the Organization of American States (OAS) permanent council expressed “solidarity and support” for Peru’s government, “as well as for [the] preservation of the democratic political institutional process." The left-wing...
The Organization of American States (OAS) will hold a special meeting Thursday on the political crisis in Peru, where President Pedro Castillo faces several investigations he denounces as a "coup d'etat." Addressing the nation live on TV, the president said he had asked the 35-member OAS to invoke...
Peru's government proposed on Friday "a new approach" for mining companies to end social gaps and avoid conflicts in the sector, a measure taken after several conflicts in the country in recent months. Peru has planned investments of $53 billion in mining projects, many of them frozen or delayed...
A former Peruvian military officer who led a failed 2005 uprising has been released from prison, following a surprise announcement that his 19-year sentence had been reduced. A lawyer for Antauro Humala, the leader of Peru’s Ethnocacerist nationalist movement, which seeks to put the country’s...
Peru’s President Pedro Castillo avoided impeachment by the country’s opposition-dominated legislature on Monday after a parliamentary debate lasting more than eight hours. Fifty-five legislators voted in favor of impeachment, 54 voted against and 19 abstained. The president’s critics needed 87 votes...
The author of a book about a powerful politician has been sentenced to two years in prison. Media advocates say the case is part of a trend in which the courts are being used to punish critics. The police raided a reporter’s house after he investigated an elite Catholic society. A court-ordered...