Media Coverage

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A Finnish court of appeal has begun hearing an international war crime case in which a Sierra Leonean man is charged with murders, rapes, and other atrocities during the Liberian civil war between 1999 and 2003. Prosecutors argued the 53-year-old suspect Gibril Massaquoi — who has denied any...
Sudanese political parties began talks on Monday to try to reach a final deal to form a civilian government and resolve other outstanding issues more than a year after a military coup. Last month, the parties signed an outline deal with the military to launch a new political transition towards...
The European Union has urged Rwanda to stop supporting the M23 rebel group, which has captured swaths of territory in North Kivu province in the neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The DRC — along with the United States and several European countries – has repeatedly accused its...
Volunteer militia groups supporting Burkina Faso’s army have killed dozens of civilians of the ethnic Fulani group, including children, in the troubled country’s west, a local rights group charged on Tuesday. The military supporters killed nearly 30 civilians last week in Nouna town, a predominately...
Mediators between Ethiopia's federal government and authorities in the Tigray region, embroiled until last month in a brutal war, are stepping up efforts to enforce a truce as relations between the two sides inch closer towards normality. The Nov. 2 ceasefire quieted a two-year conflict that killed...
Gambian authorities have foiled a military coup attempt and arrested four soldiers plotting to overthrow President Adama Barrow's administration, the government said on December 21. The Gambian Armed Forces High Command arrested four soldiers linked to the alleged coup after a military operation on...
International pressure is growing on Rwanda as France and Germany are the latest parties to openly accuse the country of supporting armed rebels in neighboring eastern Congo — with possible repercussions for foreign aid that Kigali has long enjoyed. The public pressure on Rwanda over its alleged...
For a year and a half, phone calls to people trying to survive one of the world’s worst wars didn’t go through. Now, as phone lines start to be restored to parts of Ethiopia’s Tigray region after a fragile peace deal, some Tigrayans are relieved while others grieve. The conflict between Ethiopian...
Twenty historic bronze sculptures have been returned to Nigeria by Germany as part of efforts to address its “dark colonial past,” its foreign minister said on Tuesday. Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, returned the prized cultural artefacts to Nigerian officials in a ceremony in the...
Sudanese security forces have fired stun grenades and tear gas to disperse thousands of protesters in Khartoum as they mark the fourth anniversary of the uprising that eventually toppled President Omar al-Bashir. Protesters draped themselves in Sudanese flags on Monday and held signs that called for...