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Bosnian police on Tuesday arrested five people suspected of participating in a July 1995 genocide in Srebrenica, a town where Bosnian Serb troops killed over 8,000 men and boys during the Balkan country's interethnic war. Officers also conducted searches and confiscations during their operation in...
A United Nations-backed court in the Central African Republic (CAR) said it had charged ex-rebel leader Abdoulaye Hissene with crimes against humanity and war crimes on Thursday. One of the poorest countries in the world, the CAR was plunged into a bloody sectarian conflict after Seleka rebels, a...
Chile on Monday marked 50 years since a violent coup by Augusto Pinochet against socialist President Salvador Allende ushered in two decades of military rule that saw thousands killed and seeded the country's market-led economic model. The coup on September 11, 1973, in which tanks roamed the...
A former head of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has said the country is enforcing an apartheid system against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Tamir Pardo has become the latest former senior Israeli official to claim Israel’s treatment of Palestinians amounts to apartheid, a reference...
Fred Abrahams from the campaign group Human Rights Watch—who worked on reports about Kosovo during the conflict—told the war crimes and crimes against humanity trial of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and three co-defendants at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague on Wednesday that the...
The United States imposed sanctions Wednesday on Sudanese paramilitary commander Abdel-Rahim Hamdan Dagalo for acts of violence and human rights abuses committed by his troops in their monthslong conflict with Sudan’s army. The U.S. Treasury said in a statement that it had sanctioned Abdel-Rahim—a...
Fifty years on, the wounds left in Chilean society by the coup of 11 September 1973 are still very much open. Justice is a long way from being served, secrets remain untold, and the bodies of many of the victims are yet to be found. Last Wednesday, the government announced a new national initiative...
A group of UN ambassadors are touring Tibet on a trip arranged by China, diplomats said, an apparent push by Beijing to counter mounting criticism of its human rights record ahead of a review by the global body in early 2024. Photos posted on the social media platform X suggested the trip was mostly...
A new draft law that would enshrine harsh punishments for women and girls who fail to wear a hijab in Iran could amount to “gender apartheid,” UN experts said in a statement on Friday. “The draft law could be described as a form of gender apartheid, as authorities appear to be governing through...
A 98-year-old man has been charged in Germany with being an accessory to murder as a guard at the Nazis’ Sachsenhausen concentration camp between 1943 and 1945, prosecutors said Friday. The German citizen—a resident of Main-Kinzig county near Frankfurt—is accused of having “supported the cruel and...