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While the government is on the verge of endorsing the Transitional Justice Bill, human rights defenders have expressed serious concern regarding the amendment in the provisions that are flawed and offend the essence of justice. They have demanded that errors in the bill be rectified before it is...
More than 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis have been killed so far this year in the occupied West Bank and Israel–a level of violence surpassing last year’s entire death toll and the highest number of fatalities since 2005, the United Nations Middle East envoy has said. Tor Wennesland—UN...
Ethiopia vowed to launch a joint investigation with Saudi Arabian authorities into a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report accusing the kingdom's border guards of killing hundreds of Ethiopian migrants, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. "The Government of Ethiopia will promptly investigate the...
Rohingya people living in refugee camps in the Bangladeshi city of Cox's Bazar are being arbitrarily detained, beaten, and tortured by members of the Armed Police Battalion (APBn)—a specialized combat unit of the Bangladesh police force—an investigation by the human rights NGO Fortify Rights has...
Saudi border guards have fired small arms and sometimes mortar shells at Ethiopian migrants trying to enter the Gulf kingdom through Yemen, killing hundreds of people since last year, New York-based rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleged on Monday. The group's report draws on interviews with...
It has been 10 years since the chemical attacks in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of the capital, Damascus. In 2013, amidst Syria’s war, the Syrian regime attacked the towns of Zamalka, Ein Tarma, and Irbin in Ghouta countryside with a nerve agent. According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights...
A Russian court has ordered the closure of the Sakharov Center—a prominent human rights organization that preserved the legacy of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Andrei Sakharov—in the latest move in a widespread crackdown on dissent. Moscow City Court said in a statement on Friday that it decided to...
Armed gunmen killed at least 23 people and wounded 12 in an attack on a village in central Mali, officials said Sunday. Sidi Mohamed El Bechir—governor of the Bandiagara region where the attack took place—said unidentified men killed dozens of people and set fire to several homes in the village of...
The Nicaraguan government has seized a prominent Jesuit-run university—The Central American University—in the capital Managua, in President Daniel Ortega’s latest effort to lash out against the Catholic Church. The Society of Jesus—the Jesuit order that runs the school—told reporters that the...
Tripoli’s worst armed clashes in a year have killed 55 people and wounded 146, Libyan media outlets have reported, as a truce took hold. Fighting erupted on Monday night and raged through Tuesday between the influential 444 Brigade and the Special Deterrence Force, two of the many armed groups that...