Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Former President Juan Orlando Hernández should be extradited to the United States to face drug trafficking and weapons charges, a Honduran judge ruled Wednesday. The country's Supreme Court of Justice said late Wednesday via Twitter that the judge had decided to grant the U.S. extradition request. U...
Indigenous leaders from Canada and survivors of the country’s notorious residential schools met with Pope Francis on Monday and told him of the abuses they suffered at the hands of Catholic priests and school workers. They came hoping to secure a papal apology and a commitment by the church to...
Peru’s President Pedro Castillo avoided impeachment by the country’s opposition-dominated legislature on Monday after a parliamentary debate lasting more than eight hours. Fifty-five legislators voted in favor of impeachment, 54 voted against and 19 abstained. The president’s critics needed 87 votes...
An alleged gang rape in broad daylight has shone a harsh spotlight on the pervasiveness of rape culture in Argentina and prompted fresh calls for men to play a bigger role in the country’s battle against gender violence. The assault of a 20-year-old woman by six men allegedly happened on a holiday...

A Honduran judge has authorized the extradition of former President Juan Orlando Hernandez to the United States on drug-trafficking and firearms charges. The decision was announced on Wednesday on the Twitter account of the Central American country’s judicial authority. Hernandez, who was arrested...

Brazil’s justice ministry has awarded President Jair Bolsonaro the nation’s “medal of Indigenous merit,” drawing sharp criticism from Indigenous leaders who have long accused the far-right leader of promoting policies that have harmed their communities. Justice Minister Anderson Torres awarded the...

In presidential and legislative elections, Colombian voters signaled they want change, solidifying a left-wing former guerrilla member’s lead in the presidential race, and splitting the country’s Congress between right and left. Centrists, meanwhile, lost out across the board, signifying the country...

Venezuela has freed two jailed United States citizens in an apparent goodwill gesture following a visit to Caracas by a high-level delegation from Washington, DC. One of the prisoners freed on Tuesday was Gustavo Cardenas, among six Citgo oil executives arrested in 2017 and convicted on charges of...
In 2021, the Vermont Legislature issued a long overdue apology for Vermont’s early 20th century state-sanctioned eugenics movement, which targeted Indigenous people and other groups. According to VTDigger, “The eugenics movement used forced sterilizations and other practices in an attempt to wipe...
The Senate unanimously passed a bill on Monday that criminalizes lynching and make it punishable by up to 30 years in prison. It sailed through the House of Representatives last month, and President Biden is expected to sign it. While it eased through both chambers of Congress this time with...