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Colombian presidential front-runner Gustavo Petro pledged on Monday that he will not expropriate private property if he wins the nation’s presidency this year as critics in the South American country accuse the leftist candidate of wanting to make radical changes to the country’s economy. Petro made...
"Tropics - Fruits of Hope" is the inspirational name former rebels in Colombia have chosen for their new venture. A premium coffee, "Fruits of Hope" is grown, harvested, and roasted by more than 1,000 guerrilla fighters who laid down their arms following the signing of a peace agreement between the...

In presidential and legislative elections, Colombian voters signaled they want change, solidifying a left-wing former guerrilla member’s lead in the presidential race, and splitting the country’s Congress between right and left. Centrists, meanwhile, lost out across the board, signifying the country...

Colombia's high court decriminalized abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy on Monday in a landmark ruling for the majority-Catholic country, one of only a few in Latin America that currently allows the procedure. After that point, abortion will only be permitted in certain circumstances already...
At least 145 community leaders and rights activists were killed in 2021 in Colombia, the country’s human rights ombudsman has said. The 2021 death toll, which came amid a year defined by protests and government crackdowns, was lower than in 2020, when 182 killings were registered, the offices of...
Violent confrontations between Colombian rebel groups near the country’s border with Venezuela have left at least 23 people dead, Defense Minister Diego Molano told a news conference late on Monday. Fighting broke out over the weekend in Arauca as members of the National Liberation Army (ELN) fought...
The United States revoked its designation of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as a “foreign terrorist organization,” allowing US officials to work with members of the Colombian rebel group as they continue to shift into political life. This move comes days after the rebel group and...
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is visiting Colombia as the South American nation readies to mark the the fifth anniversary of a fragile peace agreement reached between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The 2016 peace agreement saw about 13,000...
The International Criminal Court said it would close a 17-year preliminary examination into Colombia for war crimes and crimes against humanity in recognition of efforts to combat impunity and guarantee justice for victims. ICC prosecutor Karim Khan said, “I am delighted to say that Colombia has...
The leader of the Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia and Colombia's most wanted drug trafficker, Dairo Antonio Usuga ("Otoniel"), was captured. "This is the biggest blow against drug trafficking in our country this century. This hit is only comparable to the fall of Pablo Escobar in the 1990s,"...