Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Eritrea has punished the family members of thousands of alleged draft evaders during a conscription drive intended to bolster its military campaign in neighboring Ethiopia, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Thursday. The HRW report, based on interviews with more than a dozen people who had fled the...
The devastating earthquake around the Turkish-Syrian border struck an area that is home to millions of refugees already battling desperate circumstances. The United Nations said Tuesday that it was trying to reach refugees affected by the 7.8-magnitude quake, though its existing aid programs are...
Kosovo's prime minister Albin Kurti said on Monday he accepted a proposed European Union plan aimed at normalizing relations with Serbia despite concerns over Western demands to give more rights to local Serbs that have so far hindered a peace deal. Last month, Western envoys told Kosovo and Serbia...
A prominent rights group in Pakistan has expressed “considerable alarm” over the state of religious freedom in the country. In its report titled A Breach of Faith: Freedom of Religion or Belief in 2021-22 released on Tuesday, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said incidents of the...
Brazil has launched raids against illegal gold miners blamed for a humanitarian crisis on the country’s largest Indigenous reservation, as President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva promised to defend the Yanomami people after years of neglect and rising violence. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and...
Rights activists and campaigners have condemned the Ugandan government’s decision to shut down the country’s UN human rights office, describing it as “shameful.” The development comes less than three months after the UN’s committee against torture adopted the concluding observations on Uganda, which...
Iran’s supreme leader has pardoned or allowed a reduction in jail sentences for “tens of thousands” of prisoners, including some arrested in recent anti-government protests. The pardons approved on Sunday by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei came with conditions, according to details announced in state media...
Myanmar’s military has imposed martial law in strongholds of anti-coup resistance, which will see people accused of everything from treason to “spreading false news” being tried by military tribunals. The announcement appears to indicate that the military is looking for new ways to stamp out...
The much-anticipated trial of 16 Hong Kong democracy activists charged under a national security law imposed by Beijing began on Monday with security tight for a case that some observers say will be a test of the city's judicial independence. The defendants are those who pleaded not guilty out of 47...
Mali’s government has ordered the UN peacekeeping mission’s human rights chief to leave the country by Tuesday, declaring him persona non grata in the latest sign of tensions between Mali’s leaders and the international community. A government statement Sunday criticized Guillaume Ngefa-Atondoko...