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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

In a milestone ruling judges at the Kosovo tribunal on Friday convicted a former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) guerrilla commander who ran a prison where torture took place during the 1998-99 independence conflict with Serbia. In its first ever war crimes verdict, the court sentenced Salih Mustafa to...
Serbia on Thursday formally demanded that its security forces return to the breakaway former Serbian province of Kosovo, despite warnings from the West that such calls are unlikely to be accepted and only add to tensions in that part of the Balkans. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told state RTS...
The United Kingdom has launched an independent inquiry into allegations of unlawful killings by its soldiers in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, the country’s defence ministry announced on Thursday. The statutory inquiry headed by senior judge Charles Haddon-Cave will start early next year. It...
Twenty people were lashed in public on Wednesday in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan as punishment for alleged adultery, theft, and other crimes, a provincial official said. Afghanistan’s new authorities have set hardline policies since they took over the country in August 2021 that reflect their...
A Peruvian judge on Thursday ordered ousted President Pedro Castillo to remain in custody for 18 months as nationwide protests set off by the political crisis showed no signs of abating and the death toll rose to at least 14. The judge’s decision came a day after the government declared a police...
The congress of El Salvador has voted to extend President Nayib Bukele’s emergency powers to crack down on gangs for yet another month. The vote late Wednesday extends for the ninth time the measures, enacted after a surge in murders in March, and ensures they will last into 2023. The crackdown...
International Criminal Court appeals judges Thursday rejected the appeal by a former commander in the brutal Ugandan rebel group Lord’s Resistance Army of his conviction on dozens of charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity and upheld his 25-year sentence. In a landmark judgment nearly two...
A Lebanese judge indicted five state security members on charges of torture in the case of a Syrian refugee who died in custody. On September 2, the military prosecutor arrested a state security officer and four other members on torture charges before referring them to Najat Abu Chakra, a military...
Indonesia has revised its criminal code, and human rights groups have identified 17 articles which they believe threaten the freedoms won since the return to democratic rule in the 1990s. Though, the new laws will not take effect for three years and can be challenged in a constitutional court. Among...
The Taliban authorities on Wednesday executed an Afghan convicted of killing another man, in the first public execution since the terrorist group took over last year. The execution took place in western Farah province before hundreds of spectators and many top Taliban officials. The top Taliban...