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Denmark faced the ire of European Union parliamentarians on Wednesday for its policy of sending some Syrian refugees back to the Damascus area and revoking their asylum status. In mid-2020, Denmark became the first European Union country to re-examine the cases of about 500 Syrians from Damascus...
A German court has sentenced Anwar Raslan, a Syrian colonel, to life in prison for crimes against humanity in a historic trial. Raslan was linked to the torture of over 4,000 people in Syria's civil war in a jail known as "Hell on Earth." He was arrested in Germany in 2019 having successfully sought...
Cross-border humanitarian aid to northwest Syria has been extended for six months without a new vote at the UN Security Council. The 15-member body had previously issued an authorization for six months, allowing aid into rebel-held areas through the use of the Bab al-Hawa crossing at the Turkey...
This sixth round of Syrian Constitutional talks between the Syrian government, opposition, and civil society groups has failed to make meaningful progress according to United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen. In January 2018, at the Russian-hosted Syrian peace conference in Sochi, an...
The UN Human Rights Council voted to end the mandate of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts investigating war crimes in Yemen, which in 2018 had reported evidence of possible war crimes committed by all sides, including a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. The Cairo...
Based on the principle of universal jurisdiction, German courts and investigators are taking on criminal cases that occurred outside German borders including the genocide of Iraq’s Yazidi minority and torture in Syria’s prisons. According to a Syrian lawyer in Germany Joumana Seif, Syrians have...