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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

A long-awaited report into allegations of abuse committed during former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year rule has recommended to the government to pursue criminal charges against those responsible. The 14,000-page document was handed on Thursday by the Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations...
On Tuesday, the Yemen-based group Mwatana for Human Rights and the Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to open new investigations of past US attacks in Yemen, apologize for the deaths of civilians whom the US has already acknowledged killing, and provide...
A German court jailed a former member of the ISIL (ISIS) group, Taha al-Jumailly, for life after he was convicted of committing genocide against Iraq’s minority Yazidi community. The case involved the death of a five-year-old girl he bought as a slave and then chained up in the hot sun to die. Al...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has temporarily suspended an investigation into alleged abuses during the Philippine's "war on drugs" under President Rodrigo Duterte, in which thousands of people have died. ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan wrote that the Philippines had filed a deferral request...
Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam, who served decades in prison for their alleged role in the assassination of Malcolm X are exonerated. The two men are having their convictions cleared 56 years after the fiery civil rights leader’s murder. The exonerations are expected to provide a measure of...
Based on a year-long inquiry into abuses by police forces and the killings at the Lekki toll gate in Lagos, a leaked judicial report has found that Nigeria’s army and police shot and killed unarmed anti-police brutality protesters in October last year, before cleaning up the scene to remove evidence...
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has struck a limited immunity deal with former Davao City cop Arturo Lascanas in the investigation into the Philippine drug war and killings in President Rodrigo Duterte's home city. The OTP said it would not use as evidence against...
A 29-year-old activist and economics lecturer, Frozan Safi, has been shot and killed in northern Afghanistan, in what appears to be the first known death of a women's rights defender since the Taliban swept to power almost three months ago. The death underscores the pervasive sense of fear in...
A simmering months-long border crisis along the European Union's frontiers with Belarus has this week morphed into a serious geopolitical dispute and stoked fears of a humanitarian disaster. It is estimated that thousands are now gathered near the line that divides Belarus and Poland. Those trying...
The trial of a former Iranian prison official, Hamid Noury, accused of handing out death sentences as part of a 1988 purge of dissidents, moved to Albania on Wednesday, with a witness recalling "shocking scenes." Noury has been on trial at the district court in the Swedish capital Stockholm since...