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The resting place of the more than 800,000 people killed in the 1994 Rwanda genocide was among sites in three continents added to UNESCO’s World Heritage list as the United Nations cultural body ends a moratorium on considering memorial sites for human suffering. The sites at Nyamata, Murambi...
Argentina’s Navy School of Mechanics (ESMA)—a military school turned secret detention center—has been named a United Nations World Heritage site in an effort to preserve its grisly history. Some 5,000 people disappeared behind its walls. Many were never seen again. In 1976, a military group...
Human Rights Watch (HRW) says its report issued Monday documents abuses by the Sri Lankan government that undercut its plans for a truth and reconciliation commission. The report, titled “If We Raise Our Voice They Arrest Us: Sri Lanka’s Proposed Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” is based on...
Rights groups have claimed that Iranian authorities arrested Mahsa Amini’s father and prevented her family from holding a vigil to commemorate the first anniversary of her death. The 1500tasvir monitor, the Iran Human Rights group, and the Kurdistan Human Rights Network said Amjad Amini had been...
Chile on Monday marked 50 years since a violent coup by Augusto Pinochet against socialist President Salvador Allende ushered in two decades of military rule that saw thousands killed and seeded the country's market-led economic model. The coup on September 11, 1973, in which tanks roamed the...
Fred Abrahams from the campaign group Human Rights Watch—who worked on reports about Kosovo during the conflict—told the war crimes and crimes against humanity trial of former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and three co-defendants at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague on Wednesday that the...
Fifty years on, the wounds left in Chilean society by the coup of 11 September 1973 are still very much open. Justice is a long way from being served, secrets remain untold, and the bodies of many of the victims are yet to be found. Last Wednesday, the government announced a new national initiative...
Human rights activists surrounded the Buenos Aires City Legislature on Monday to denounce an event honoring victims of armed leftist groups during the 1970s, when Argentina was engulfed by political violence. The tribute was arranged by Victoria Villaruel—the running-mate of right-wing populist...
Twenty years after the final report of Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the National Security Archive (NSA), a U.S. non-governmental organization that has worked to access confidential U.S. government documents for 38 years, has posted a collection of 22 cables and declassified...
Baghdad has announced a financial reward for information on the location of burial sites for Iraqi and Kuwaiti victims of the 1990-1991 Gulf War. In a joint statement on Sunday, the Iraqi ministries of defense and interior called on anyone who has information about graves of missing persons inside...