Uzbekistan's Deadly Crackdown in Karakalpakstan 'Unjustifiable,' Says Rights Group


Uzbekistan used force "unjustifiably" during fatal unrest in its autonomous Karakalpakstan region, Human Rights Watch (HRW) says in a report that demands accountability for the July crackdown.

Citing independent medical analysis of video and photo evidence, the report is the first by a major rights organization since more than 20 people were killed amid protests over proposed changes to the Uzbek Constitution that would have undermined the region's special status.

HRW concludes that despite documented incidents of violence by protesters, the unprecedented demonstrations in the region of 2 million people were "largely peaceful"—an assessment that contrasts starkly with an official narrative of "riots" backed by "external forces."

With the government’s reform drive faltering in recent years, HRW Director Hugh Williamson said the government's response to the demonstrations "is a test of whether Uzbekistan has turned a page and truly intends to respect human rights and rule of law" in a statement issued with the group's report.

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