Ethiopia at UN Calls for Quicker Progress on Peace Deal


Ethiopia told the United Nations on Saturday it wanted quicker implementation of a peace deal in Tigray, including on disarmament of former rebels. 

Ethiopia's government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in November last year reached an accord in Pretoria that has largely halted a brutal two-year war. 

The TPLF, formerly Ethiopia's dominant party, agreed to disarm under the Pretoria deal as government forces advanced. 

An African Union monitoring mission confirmed in January that the TPLF had begun surrendering heavy weapons, and Tigray authorities said in July that more than 50,000 fighters had been demobilized, but the scale of implementation remains unclear. 

Demeke said that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government, which has faced intense criticism including from the United States over alleged human rights violations, remained "committed to consolidate peace and stability throughout the country." 

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