Ugandan Minister of Justice Calls for Registry of War Victims


“There is no place where you find a registry for war victims and yet they want to be known and remembered,” said Norbert Mao, Uganda's Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, on Tuesday, while launching a report on reparations for survivors of armed rebellion and sexual violence in the northern region.

“Having led the Trust Fund for victims’ delegation, and having received a challenge that the government needs to put some funds towards reparations, I am proposing and I believe this will go to the president, cabinet, the establishment of war victims fund in which Uganda can demonstrate its commitment in individual reparations and collective ones,” he added.

According to the report, it estimated that more than 25,000 young women and girls were systematically abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels across northern region and subjected to forced marriage and sexual slavery.

Speaking at the same event, Ms. Sarah Kihika Kasande, the International Center for Transitional Justice head of office for Uganda, said the country must repair the harm suffered by war survivors.

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