Kony Case: Pre-Trial Chamber III Postpones Confirmation of Charges Hearing


The International Criminal Court (ICC) has announced that the confirmation of charges hearing in the case against Joseph Kony has been postponed to ensure proper procedure and evidence presentation. 

Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, which has been at war with the Ugandan government since its founding in 1987, faces charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, enslavement, and conscription of children.  

The case had originally been set to open on October 15, 2024, but is postponed until further notice. The arrest warrant for Joseph Kony was issued under seal on July 8, 2005, and the trial will be conducted in the suspect’s absence. 

The ICC emphasizes that the case is a critical part of an effort to bring justice to victims of the decades-long insurgency in Northern Uganda. 

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