Leftist Wins Honduran Presidential Vote After Rival Concedes


Honduras' ruling party conceded defeat in presidential elections, giving victory to leftist opposition candidate Xiomara Castro - Honduras' first female president. 

Tegucigalpa Mayor and presidential candidate of the National Party Nasry Asfura's recognition of the outcome was a relief to many Hondurans who had feared a contested election after a debacle in 2017 led to street protests that left 23 people dead. 

Castro will face major challenges as the Central American country's president. Unemployment is above 10%, northern Honduras was devastated by two major hurricanes last year and street gangs drag down the economy with their extortion rackets and violence, driving migration to the United States. 

Castro has said she's interested in having an international anti-corruption mission return to Honduras. That combined with a strong, independent attorney general, could begin to tackle one of the country's most profound problems. 

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