Afghan Migrants Kidnapped and Tortured on Iran-Turkey Border


Afghans fleeing the Taliban are being kidnapped and tortured by gangs as they try to cross the border between Iran and Turkey on their way to Europe, a BBC investigation has found. The gangs then send videos of the abuse to the families of migrants being held hostage, demanding a ransom for their release. 

The migration route from Afghanistan to Iran, then across the border into Turkey and onto the rest of Europe, has been used for decades. 

The BBC team heard stories of torture from at least 10 locations along the border. One activist who has been documenting the abuse for the past three years told us he received as many as two or three videos of torture a day at its peak. 

Turkish authorities did not respond to the BBC's request for comment about these allegations. But in the face of similar accusations from human rights groups the government has denied pushbacks, saying any activities to prevent illegal entry into Turkey are carried out within the scope of border management. 

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