UNICEF Says 700,000 Children in Sudan Face Life-Threatening Malnutrition


At least 700,000 children in Sudan are likely to suffer from the worst form of malnutrition this year, and tens of thousands could die, the United Nations children’s agency has warned.

“UNICEF won’t be able to treat more than 300,000 of those without improved access and without additional support. In that case, tens of thousands would likely die,” James Elder, spokesperson for UNICEF, told a press conference in Geneva on February 9.

Elder said there had also been a “50 percent increase” in just one year in murders, sexual violence, and recruitment of children to fight. “We need safe, sustained, and unimpeded humanitarian access across conflict lines and across borders­—and we need international support to help sustain the essential services and systems that children rely on for survival,” she said.

A 10-month war in Sudan between its armed forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces has devastated the country’s infrastructure, prompted warnings of famine and displaced millions of people inside and outside the country.

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