The Greens Have Proposed a Truth and Justice Commission. What is it and How Would it Work?


The Greens introduced a bill to set up a federal truth and justice commission on July 2.  

The bill was referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for further review on July 4– triggering public comment and hearings, and thus a renewed public focus on truth telling. 

Greens senator Dorina Cox said the Albanese government had been “silent” on the way forward in Indigenous affairs, adding she hoped the bill would start a new national dialogue on telling the full history of Australia. 

Under the Greens plan, a truth and justice commission would inquire into “matters relating to historic and ongoing injustices” against First Nations peoples, the impacts of those injustices, and make recommendations to parliament. 

The bill seeks to establish a truth and justice commission with 10 members – one from each state and territory, and two chief commissioners – appointed jointly by the attorney general and the minister for Indigenous affairs. 

It would be required to report its findings and recommendations within four years. 


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