Candidates to Lead Commonwealth Urge Reparations for Slavery and Colonialism


The three candidates for the next Commonwealth Secretary General—representing The Gambia, Ghana, and Lesotho—have called for reparations to address the historical harms of slavery and colonialism. At a debate hosted by Chatham House in London, the candidates expressed their support for financial reparations or "reparative justice." They emphasized the Commonwealth's role in facilitating discussions on difficult issues, such as racism and reparations, with each candidate highlighting the organization's potential to advance justice and reconciliation despite its postcolonial origins. 

The leadership vote will take place during the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Samoa on October 21 to 26. 

The Commonwealth evolved from the ashes of the British empire. Its 56 members, all but four of them former British colonies, have a combined population of 2.7 billion. 

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