Mali Postpones Constitutional Referendum


Mali’s interim government has postponed a constitutional referendum, a key step on the country’s path toward elections meant to restore democracy after a military takeover in 2020.

A statement released Friday said the interim government would install subdivisions of the election management body in all regions of the country before holding the vote. The interim government said it wanted to familiarize the public with the draft of the constitution, which significantly strengthens the power of the president. Under it, the president rather than the government “determines the policy of the nation,” appoints the prime minister and ministers, and has the right to sack them. The president could also dissolve the National Assembly.

Mali is in the throes of an 11-year-old security crisis triggered by a regional revolt in the north that developed into a full-blown rebellion. Military rule has led to a breakup with France, the country’s traditional ally, and closer ties with Russia.

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