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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

A German court has sentenced Anwar Raslan, a Syrian colonel, to life in prison for crimes against humanity in a historic trial. Raslan was linked to the torture of over 4,000 people in Syria's civil war in a jail known as "Hell on Earth." He was arrested in Germany in 2019 having successfully sought...
Inadequate and unequal access to health care in Nepal was exacerbated by government failures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Human Rights Watch said in its World Report 2022 released today. The government’s failures led to many preventable deaths, while a pervasive culture of impunity continues...
Despite a change of power in Montenegro, the country failed to do more in 2021 to reopen archived investigations into wartime crimes—although MPs did make symbolic moves to condemn the Srebrenica genocide. The Special State Prosecution ended another year without reopening archived wartime...
South Africa has bid farewell to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the last great hero of the struggle against apartheid. The requiem mass was held on January 1 at Cape Town’s St George’s Cathedral where, for years, Tutu used the pulpit to rail against a brutal white minority regime. Tutu died last Sunday...
After a six-day official visit to Croatia, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence, Fabian Salvioli, urged the government to advance the transitional justice agenda following the 1991-94 armed conflict. Citing increased cases of...
On Tuesday, the Yemen-based group Mwatana for Human Rights and the Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to open new investigations of past US attacks in Yemen, apologize for the deaths of civilians whom the US has already acknowledged killing, and provide...
A video posted on social media by Virginia Tech professor Sweta Gyanu Baniya has made a Nepali artifact one of the latest targets for heritage activists sleuthing online to try to bring home some of the thousands of items whisked out over decades from the Himalayan country. In the video, Baniya sees...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has temporarily suspended an investigation into alleged abuses during the Philippine's "war on drugs" under President Rodrigo Duterte, in which thousands of people have died. ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan wrote that the Philippines had filed a deferral request...
Top human rights group, Memorial, faces the threat of being shut down at the behest of state prosecutors who accuse it of flouting Russia's "foreign agent" laws. Founded in the late 1980s during the Soviet twilight, Memorial has spent decades documenting Stalin's repressions and helping people...
The eighth edition of the Palestinian Cinema Days film festival celebrating Palestinian filmmakers and films focused on Palestine came to a close. The final screening for the winning films focused on life under Israeli occupation and in exile. Featured filmmakers commented that they believe many...