1416 results

A wide array of international donors are working with Timor-Leste to help support reform in the security sector. While many of these programmes have had a positive impact, donor-driven security reform agendas have been under-coordinated. Fortunately, this is beginning to change, as ...

In April 2008 historic elections to Nepal’s Constituent Assembly led to a political watershed: former Maoist guerrillas surprised everyone by coming out ahead, suggesting that a new era had come to Nepal. In its first sitting, the Constituent Assembly declared Nepal a republic and bro...

Indonesia’s history is littered with episodes of mass violence, whether state-sponsored, communally driven or separatist in nature. But in recent times the Indonesian government has successfully negotiated several peace agreements and brought about an end to mass human rights violatio...

Many experts—including development agencies—are trying to improve donor support to democratic governance in fragile and conflict-affected countries. Yet aid institutions tend to promote better governance by promoting capacity in executive government, representation and accountability ...

The paper focuses on security sector reform (SSR) programmes in view of the prominence SSR now has in donor policy discourse and the ambitious objectives and broad scope of contemporary donor SSR policy. Issues such as human security, transitional justice and gender are also considere...

The practice of international peace mediation has been used to good effect in different conflict contexts. However, little systematic learning has been drawn from these experiences to date, and EU approaches and involvement in peace mediation appear ad hoc.

This document is a review of vetting programs that took place in two post-conflict (Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Liberia) and two post-authoritarian (Hungary and the Czech Republic) countries during the 1990s and early 2000s. It assesses the legacies of vetting and lustration processes...

Transitional justice is a response to systematic or widespread violations of human rights. It seeks recognition for victims and promotion of possibilities for peace, reconciliation and democracy. Transitional justice is not a special form of justice but justice adapted to societies tr...

The relationship between transitional justice and security system – or sector – reform (SSR)1 is understudied, yet both contribute to state-building, democratisation and peacebuilding in countries with a legacy of massive human rights abuse. Reforming the system to ensure security age...

In the aftermath of a conflict, a census and identification program (CIP) verifies membership within one or several security institutions, identifies their institutional boundaries, and helps ensure that individuals do not informally join or leave the institution(s). This report hopes...