Fourth Intensive Course on Truth Commissions: Vulnerable Populations


ICTJ, in partnership with the Barcelona International Peace Resource Center (BIPRC), is pleased to announce the 4th Intensive Course on Truth Commissions September 24-28, focused this year on the challenge of recognizing the experiences of vulnerable populations in the work of truth commissions.

Under what conditions can truth commissions make a positive contribution to gender justice? How can they put in place a friendly process for children? Can they contribute to the rights of indigenous peoples? What are the practical and conceptual considerations facing mediators, donors, and international and national actors as they engage with truth commissions?

This course is intended to provide busy practitioners with an opportunity to reflect on these and related questions under the guidance of leading experts in the field of transitional justice.

Application form (Also available as a Word document.) Deadline to apply is June 25, 2012.

The course seeks to prepare practitioners directly involved in human rights, rule of law, and transitional justice with the necessary tools to assess the appropriateness of creating a truth commission in the wake of protracted conflict or dictatorship, and how to ensure the design and implementation of such measures are sensitive to contextual realities. The course provides participants with the knowledge required to conceive, implement, and engage with truth commissions in the light of best international practice and principles.

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