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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

On February 28, Raymond Zondo, South Africa’s acting chief justice, handed the third and penultimate part of a report from the judicial commission of inquiry he chairs, to President Cyril Ramaphosa. It was another chapter of arguably the most anticipated report in the Rainbow Nation, an...
The Senate unanimously passed a bill on Monday that criminalizes lynching and make it punishable by up to 30 years in prison. It sailed through the House of Representatives last month, and President Biden is expected to sign it. While it eased through both chambers of Congress this time with...
Detainees seen in videos allegedly showing torture in a Cairo police station inflicted their injuries on themselves, according to Egyptian authorities, who have charged the prisoners with spreading “fake news.” Up to 13 people detained in El-Salam First police station for unknown petty crimes made...
The executive board of the World Bank has approved a plan to use more than $1bn from a frozen Afghanistan trust fund to finance urgently needed education, agriculture, health and family programmes, the bank has announced. The plan, which will bypass sanctioned Taliban authorities by disbursing the...
After six years in Ukraine, Ayoub, a 25-year-old Moroccan pharmacy student, had built a life he was proud of in Kharkiv, a city in the country’s northeast. He learned the Russian language, which is widely spoken in the city of 1.4 million, studied Ukrainian culture, and made friends from around the...
Honduran lawmakers have repealed legislation that critics dubbed the "official secrets law" for classifying public documents on national security and defense, marking one of the first efforts under a new leftist administration to curb corruption. President Xiomara Castro, who took office in January...
An estimated 13 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing severe hunger, the United Nations’ World Food Program (WFP) has said. Drought conditions have affected pastoral and farmer populations across southern and southeastern Ethiopia, southeastern and northern Kenya and south-central Somalia...
The United Nations Security Council has extended an arms embargo to all Houthi rebels, as the Yemeni group faces increased international pressure after a string of recent attacks on Gulf countries. Monday’s resolution, proposed by the United Arab Emirates and adopted with 11 votes in favor and four...
The leaders of six opposition parties in Turkey pledged on Monday to bring back parliamentary democracy and scrap the executive presidential system that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan introduced three years ago. In a ceremony in Ankara, the parties' leaders put their signatures on a 48-page...
As two of the world’s key wheat producers face off in an all-out war, tomorrow looks grim for the Middle East and North Africa countries that need wheat from Ukraine and Russia. Russia is the world’s number-one wheat exporter—and largest producer after China and India—Ukraine is among the top five...