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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Colombia's high court decriminalized abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy on Monday in a landmark ruling for the majority-Catholic country, one of only a few in Latin America that currently allows the procedure. After that point, abortion will only be permitted in certain circumstances already...
Mali’s lawmakers on Monday approved a plan allowing the military government to rule for up to five years, AFP journalists said, despite regional sanctions imposed on the country over delayed elections. The army-dominated legislature also decided that the country’s interim president cannot stand for...
Ecuadorian legislators approved a measure Thursday setting regulations for terminating pregnancies resulting from rape, following a Constitutional Court ruling that decriminalized such abortions. Previously, Ecuador allowed abortions only when a woman's life was endangered by pregnancy. Passed on a...
Eight million Yemenis will likely lose all humanitarian aid in March unless urgent funds are delivered, United Nations officials have warned, amid an escalation in a long-running war that last month caused the highest toll in civilian casualties in at least three years. UN Special Envoy Hans...
The man who was president of Honduras until just a few weeks ago will now face a federal judge. The United States has asked that former President Juan Orlando Hernández be extradited to stand trial on drug trafficking and weapons charges. He appeared in court on Wednesday morning in Honduras...
France and its allies in a European force have announced they will begin withdrawing troops from Mali after nearly 10 years fighting an armed unrest. A statement signed by France and its African and European allies published on Thursday said that “multiple obstructions” by the ruling military...
The Myanmar military has murdered civilians, and used them as human shields, in a series of atrocities in eastern Karenni State that may amount to war crimes, prominent human rights group Fortify Rights said in a new report published on Tuesday. The group says it documented attacks on churches...
Since a military coup on October 25 last year and the imposition of a nationwide state of emergency afterward, there have been arbitrary arrests of protesters across Sudan. In recent weeks, that campaign has ramped up as dozens of activists have disappeared only to turn up in state custody. In Soba...
Tunisia’s president has issued a decree establishing a new provisional Supreme Judiciary Council, effectively replacing the body he abolished and granting himself additional powers to control the country’s top judicial organization. The decree, published on the official gazette on Sunday, says the...
Calls are mounting for dozens of opposition figures jailed in Nicaragua to be freed, after the death of a would-be presidential candidate during the weekend spurred fears for the health and safety of others. Hugo Torres, a 73-year-old former companion in arms of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega...