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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Burkina Faso’s military government said it has restored the constitution a week after taking power and has appointed the coup’s leader as head of state for a transitional period. The move came shortly after the African Union suspended Burkina Faso for the takeover, and diplomats from West Africa and...
Indigenous women raped by paramilitaries during Guatemala’s brutal civil war have triumphed in court, when their aggressors were sentenced to 30 years each in prison. In a verdict hailed as a vindication for survivors who have spent years fighting for justice, a tribunal convicted five former...
LGBTQ Afghans have increasingly been threatened, beaten, and raped since the Taliban took control of the country in August, a new report found. The advocacy groups Human Rights Watch and OutRight Action International compiled a snapshot of how the freshly reawakened Taliban regime has targeted...
Envoys from Turkey and Armenia will hold the first round of talks aimed at normalizing ties in Moscow on Friday, in a move Armenia expects will lead to the establishment of diplomatic relations and reopening borders after decades of animosity. Turkey and Armenia have had no diplomatic or commercial...
At least 32 people, including children, have been killed during armed raids in South Sudan’s eastern Jonglei state, according to the United Nations. The attacks on the villages of Dungrut and Machined on Sunday sent civilians from the Dinka Bor community fleeing as armed youths from the Murle ethnic...
Opposition leader Juan Guaido on Sunday called for Venezuelans to take to the streets on February 12 in peaceful marches against President Nicolas Maduro, as the country's divided opposition looks ahead to presidential elections. The opposition considers Maduro's 2018 re-election to be fraudulent...
The Taliban and Western diplomats have begun their first official talks in Europe since they took over control of Afghanistan in August. Taliban representatives will be certain to press their demand that nearly $10 billion frozen by the United States and other Western countries be released as...
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian has announced his resignation, citing the inability of his office to influence policy during times of national crisis. Sarkissian, president since 2018, was at the center of a domestic political crisis last year that erupted in the wake of a war between Armenia...
The Islamic State (IS) group unleashed its biggest attack in Syria since the fall of its “caliphate” three years ago. More than 100 militants assaulted the main prison holding suspected extremists, sparking a battle with U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters that continued 24 hours later and left dozens dead...
The military in Burkina Faso says it has seized power and overthrown President Roch Kaboré. The announcement was made on state television by an army officer, who cited the deteriorating security situation as the reason for the military takeover. Mr Kaboré had faced growing discontent over his...